Wednesday, March 6, 2013

OffiCe MaKe~oVer

oFFiCe MakE~oVeR
w/ PoPs of bLue
(organizing and decluttering b4 projects)

We have to admit that no major project can be started until the "area" has been
organized and decluttered. This is NOT a "fun" task, but the emotions
afterwards are very rewarding !

Our office is a total disaster ! @ ! It's as if we are slowly but surely being taken captive by our clutter w/o even being aware of it # ~ # Today I took time to dust and refresh our office shelves. This task had not been attempted in YEARS. (The pics will prove this ~%~  ) If you know me personally, you know WHY I have not attempted this in 3+ years !!! Didn't do much to the rest of the office. That will have to come later. B4 thinking about "decorating" up a room, I have to do the
'not so fun' dirty work.
I spent less than $5 with this little project today. A can of paint ~!~

Valspar Gloss / Tropical Oasis
(the same color I used in the hallway wall decor)

I'm almost embarrassed to put up the B4 pic ~*~*~
but here goes Nuthin...
 Before                                                              After
Just a conglomeration of collected "stuff, junk, and more stuff"....
{ { {Plz don't call "Hoarders" !} } }

Before decluttering

 After decluttered

Even Paco was horrified  ! & !
Before starting to clean and organize I had to
 promise hubby (cross my heart & hope to die ~ stick
a thousand needles in my eye )
that I would NOT throw anything of
HIS away. Even if the date on it is 1955. Yes...
I have found newspapers that OLD in this house.

 It terrifies him when I get into this mode!
After hours of pulling everything off the shelves, cleaning thoroughly,
and using a dab of turquoise paint on a few doo~dads,
it looked MUCH better.

Personally, I still think this looks quite cluttered, but it does look better.
Many of the "things" on the shelves have sentimental value.

I hope that u can see the "pops" of blue here and there.
It does help "tie" it all together.
And I'm planning on adding a "surprise" piece later... so
keep in touch !

Very little was thrown away. I put up the big white panels on the bottom and
behind them are things eliminated from the shelves.
A lot of dust was removed!

Pops of BLUE
used thru~out the shelves !~!

Happy de~cluttering, organizing, and dusting !~!

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